In the Shadow

“…under the shadow of your wings will I take refuge until this time of trouble has gone by.” Psalm 57:1

A refuge, a shadow, wings, trouble. Words to which we all can relate. A vision of a mother hen gathering her chicks from the storm. A refuge in the midst of a thunderstorm of quiet and safety. This time in our lives that seems to bring unending trouble to millions. This happens to be one of my favorite verses in the Psalms. I have a drawing given me from a friend with this verse and keep it in my prayer room at my office. It not only gives comfort, it offers a space of safety from the terrors that can easily overwhelm.

I find a refuge in quiet, in lighting a candle and entering into meditation. Seeking God in the center of my heart, seeking refuge from the day or the night. A refuge is not a place of busyness nor a place of noise. It is a place of peace, of slowing the breath down, entering into that refuge gratefully.

I need that refuge daily; may we all.

Published by Linda Calkins

I am woman, priest, wife, mother, grandmother, pet lover, lover of Jesus. Blessed beyond comprehension. Always searching for words, for prayers, for more of God, for beauty. Retired but not tired, a senior but young inside. Always more to give...

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